Lesson 35 - Federal, State, and Local Bureaucracy

  1. 2. US Secretary of Labor (Last Name)
  2. 4. US Secretary of Interior (last name)
  3. 7. Investigates federal crimes
  4. 8. the income of a state
  5. 10. US Secretary of Education (last name)
  6. 11. buying and selling, especially large scale
  7. 13. US Secretary of Defense (last name)
  8. 15. US Secretary of State, head of State Dept (last name)
  9. 16. Virginia Department providing services to elderly, needy, & children
  10. 19. Virginia Department, handles vehicle registration and driver licensing
  11. 21. US Secretary of Veterans Affairs
  12. 22. Gathers intelligence
  13. 23. US Secretary of Agriculture (last name)
  14. 25. USA's tax collecting bureaucracy
  15. 27. US Department overseen by Attorney General
  16. 28. US Attorney General (last name)
  17. 29. Virginia Department which oversees jails
  1. 1. Virginia's department that responds to natural disasters.
  2. 3. collecting important military or political information
  3. 5. US Secretary of Homeland Security (last name)
  4. 6. US Secretary of Energy (last name)
  5. 9. _____ Office, consists of White House Office, National Security Council, & Office of Management & Budget
  6. 12. US Secretary of Commerce (last name)
  7. 14. US Secretary of Health & Human Services (last name)
  8. 15. US Secretary of Transportation (Last Name)
  9. 17. Virginia's "human resources" dept, The Department of _____
  10. 18. US Secretary of Treasury (Last Name)
  11. 20. Virginia Dept of ____, promotes information systems advancements
  12. 24. inland portion of the country
  13. 26. US Housing & Urban Development Secretary (last name)