Lesson 9

  1. 3. What disturbed the baby's ><.
  2. 5. >< takes more energy that smiling.
  3. 7. What a beautiful >< you have.
  4. 8. That was the >< pizza I ever have eaten.
  5. 9. Don;t >< all your money on the first day.
  6. 11. I invited a few >< to stay for diner.
  1. 1. There are many fish in that ><.
  2. 2. The books I received were ><.
  3. 3. There are many >< students in this school
  4. 4. >< people sometimes use canes.
  5. 6. Now I have >< stuck to my fingers.
  6. 7. A wasp won't >< you off you leave it alone.
  7. 8. Did you >< lunch to school today?
  8. 10. A green >< needs sunshine and water.
  9. 11. I know how to >< on my back.