  1. 4. Ostapenko New Years location, in years past
  2. 6. Russian New Years movie we watch (the second half)
  3. 9. Russian New Years movie remake (2022)
  4. 12. Dmitri's birthplace
  5. 13. A city visited by 4 Ostapenkos this year
  6. 14. Odie's breed, in miniature
  7. 15. Russian New Years movie star, Andrey
  8. 16. A lot, in Germany, or Dmitri's boss
  9. 19. The best sport for your health
  1. 1. Easy winter ADK peak, for the Ostapenkos
  2. 2. Russian gift giver
  3. 3. Month of Bob's birth, officially
  4. 5. Number of Sasha's beaus
  5. 7. Denis' weekday location, or a hospital where the twins were born
  6. 8. Climber who scaled an AM wall
  7. 10. Russian New Years movie we watch (the first half)
  8. 11. These are important to have in life
  9. 15. Ollie's middle name
  10. 17. USSR leader, at Denis and Katya's birth
  11. 18. Nickname for those from where Daniel will "study" abroad this year