Lets Be Friends Word Cross

  1. 5. Becca's favourite fruit
  2. 7. What event does Nick Wood's cousin compete at internationally
  3. 9. Name of Dom's mushroom teddy
  4. 11. What style stripes are Tom Wilk, James Zaremba, and Drew known for
  5. 12. Official relationship status between Jemima and James
  6. 17. What is Elle Stott's twin sister called?
  7. 19. What sport were Marie, Katherine, and Joss playing when they met
  8. 21. What country did Niall break his leg in
  9. 22. How would Fiontann describe a 'Biccy, cup o tea, cup o tea, Biccy'
  10. 24. Ellie's fine amount from TFL court case
  11. 26. Maddie's favourite pub
  12. 27. How would the group describe Sean's actions on Mel in 2018
  13. 28. The game Marie and Nathan played together when they first started dating
  14. 29. What do Mel and Georgie love to dance on when they get a bit tipsy
  15. 30. Pete's favourite city
  1. 1. What pet do Eladi and Nick own
  2. 2. What shape was the Ice Gatters enjoyed too much on the ski holiday
  3. 3. What action did Josie do when she found the guy who stole her phone
  4. 4. What did a fox on a roundabout eat according to Jacob Astle
  5. 6. Issy can't get enough of this
  6. 8. Which person was removed from Pilgrim Street for helping themselves to TJ's wine in his bedroom
  7. 10. If Olivia was having a nightmare and she was in the bath, what would the bath be full of
  8. 13. Marie's middle name
  9. 14. Kyle's first job in the UK
  10. 15. Which early 2000s character does Saffron channel through outfits and accessories
  11. 16. The best festival in the world is G.......
  12. 18. Area of the country Tom Hodgson and Frances are from
  13. 20. Luke and Dan Bartlett's home village
  14. 23. What is Barney Ellis known to have instead of hands
  15. 25. The food Chris spiked Matt with to destroy his lifelong vegetarianism