Let's Learn about Avery!

  1. 1. Name of Avery's mini dachshund dog
  2. 4. Avery's favorite blizzard at DQ
  3. 6. Name of Avery's brother at Front Range
  4. 8. Avery has two of these small, furry rodents
  5. 11. Does Avery prefer Summer or Winter?
  6. 13. Avery's eye color
  1. 1. Avery's best subject at school
  2. 2. Does avery prefer Chocolate or Vanilla?
  3. 3. One of Avery's favorite colors
  4. 5. Is Avery a Morning person or night owl?
  5. 7. Avery's favorite fast food item
  6. 9. Avery broke her ____ a couple months ago
  7. 10. How many dogs Avery has
  8. 12. Avery's middle name