Let's Review Week 2!

  1. 2. A Spring holiday
  2. 5. The food of two ethnic groups mixed together
  3. 6. Someone you don't know
  4. 8. Someone who plays sports
  5. 10. Someone who pays musicians
  6. 11. The art of folding paper
  7. 12. The food of an ethnic group
  8. 15. A place to eat traditional American food
  1. 1. A bunch of flowers
  2. 2. A list of things for sale in a restaurant
  3. 3. Someone who makes art
  4. 4. Someone who makes fans happy and excited
  5. 7. A type of music
  6. 9. Someone who makes music
  7. 12. The teacher of a team
  8. 13. The season between winter and summer
  9. 14. A cultural group