Let's work together!

  1. 2. Yueji Flower is also called "Chinese ___"
  2. 4. A typical animal in Australia
  3. 5. We need record our working time on ___ everyday.
  4. 7. What is left after something is burned?
  5. 8. The first day in a week
  6. 10. You can use your knife or scissors.
  7. 11. December 25th
  8. 14. One of the most important tools in our processing work.
  9. 16. One of the symbols of France is the ____ Tower.
  10. 17. The capital of Australia
  11. 18. If you want to know, read your watch or clock.
  1. 1. During the training, we need to follow the steps on ____.
  2. 3. Letters mean that "We need help!"
  3. 6. I'm very ____, so I want some water.
  4. 8. Another word for "shop"
  5. 9. The anniversary of Policy Insights locates in month ____.
  6. 12. A kind of food people usually eat on Thanksgiving Day
  7. 13. Not big
  8. 15. Tom ___ Jerry