Level 1: Earth Changes

  1. 5. build-up features on the surface of the Earth
  2. 6. is a rocky terrestrial planet
  3. 8. is a process that lowers or tears down the surface features of the Earth
  4. 9. As glaciers move across a landscape, they alter the terrain and carve out unique formations
  5. 10. is solid material that is moved and deposited in a new location.
  1. 1. processes interactions among plants, animals and the environment
  2. 2. process Natural forces that shape the surface of the earth
  3. 3. range long chains or groups of mountains.
  4. 4. a naturally-formed features on the Earth's surface, often with a recognizable shape like a valley or mountain.
  5. 7. tectonics The Earth's surface is cracked into large pieces