Level Two Project By Toby Xiong

  1. 3. Passing traits from parents to offspring.
  2. 5. Somethings that stayed the same throughout the experiment.
  3. 6. Second step in the scientific method.
  4. 9. The cell completely splits in half and makes a new cell.
  5. 11. I Pray More At Church.
  6. 12. Fifth step in the scientific method.
  7. 14. The scientific study of Heredity.
  8. 17. The genetic material replicates.
  9. 19. The genetic material lines up.
  10. 20. Third step in the scientific method.
  11. 24. Only needs one parent to reproduce.
  1. 1. The cell begins to pinch.
  2. 2. How many theories are in the Cell Theory.
  3. 4. Has six phases.
  4. 5. Seventh step in the scientific method.
  5. 7. Centrioles separate genetic material.
  6. 8. Variable/ Something that changed because the Independent variable changed.
  7. 10. Variable/ Something that changed in the experiment.
  8. 13. Physical Characteristics
  9. 15. Used to compare your results to.
  10. 16. The liquid you put on the specimen.
  11. 18. Division/ Making new cells from existing cells.
  12. 21. The nucleus begins to fade away and centriole "Cowboys" start to form.
  13. 22. The thing you study on a glass slide.
  14. 23. To study things in a systematic way.