Lewis to Molecular Orbitals

  1. 3. the higher the bond order, the bonds get ____ ____ ____
  2. 4. ____ ____ result from overlapping orbitals
  3. 6. the molecular geometry of XeOF2
  4. 11. lower combined orbital in the middle section of the H2 molecular orbital
  5. 16. The boron column and 3p to 6p are ___ ___ ___ ___ for having an octet to be happy
  6. 18. if you have sp hybridization, you have this many left over p orbitals
  7. 19. ammonia has this many lone pairs on its Lewis Structure
  8. 22. marks which orbitals are anti-bonding in molecular orbitals
  9. 24. dsp3 hybridization gives this shape
  10. 26. model system that combines molecular geometry and energy levels that didn't work for Lewis stuff
  1. 1. lone pairs ___ ___ ___ ___ than bonded atoms
  2. 2. ionic Lewis structures must have this
  3. 5. hybridization of six electron domains
  4. 7. the Hs on C2H4 are ___ ___ ___ ___
  5. 8. ____ ____ result from attractions between adjacent p orbitals
  6. 9. sp2 hybridization gives this shape
  7. 10. doesn't like to have dots
  8. 12. in terms of energy, hybrid orbitals are ___ ___ the energies of s and ps
  9. 13. model that was made up to show 1/2 bonds
  10. 14. bonded atoms or lone pairs are called this, collectively
  11. 15. four electron domains
  12. 17. the molecular geometry of sulfur tetrafluoride
  13. 20. atoms bond to achieve this (in terms of energy)
  14. 21. can have 6 electrons and be happy
  15. 23. in between two sodium atoms that are bonded together using the molecular orbital system
  16. 25. atoms in ___ reach the perfect distance in bonds to have the lowest possible energy
  17. 27. ___ ___ another way to express what kind of bond, from 0.5 to 3.5