LIB 1000 Review Crossword

  1. 3. Shelves where the books and other library materials are located.
  2. 7. a section of a scientific report in which the author or authors describe the way an experiment was conducted
  3. 10. process by which a researcher can substitute a wildcard for unknown letters at the end of word and thus broaden a search
  4. 11. the “set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information” (2 words)
  5. 18. a restriction placed on a search.
  6. 19. designed for children. Libraries typically shelve separately
  7. 22. specialized vocabulary used by professionals
  8. 23. a process by which experts evaluate research conducted by other experts (2 words)
  9. 24. something, such as education or experience, that lends authority to an author
  10. 25. the believability of a source
  11. 26. the process of determining the value of something, such as a source.
  12. 28. An original record of events, such as a diary, a newspaper article, a public record, or scientific documentation (2 words)
  13. 30. use of another person’s ideas or exact words without proper credit given to this person
  14. 31. website or other source that turns up in a search but is not related to the topic for which the researcher is searching
  15. 34. a collection of maps, typically bound in the form of a book.
  16. 35. words used to combine search terms to narrow or broaden a search (2 words)
  17. 38. a note such as one appearing in a bibliography and containing a summary and/or evaluation of a source
  1. 1. a press that charges authors to publish their work (2 words)
  2. 2. a list of source citations; also called Works Cited or References
  3. 4. a college professor or other person who studies something and produces research about it
  4. 5. a reference to a source in a sentence (2 words)
  5. 6. a unique number (or combination of one or more letters and numbers) that identifies a particular book or other item in a library’s collection (2 words)
  6. 8. A compilation of writings or poems from one or more authors focusing on a particular subject or literary form
  7. 9. a specific aspect of a subject, an area that a researcher explores in a paper, presentation, or other kind of research project
  8. 12. overview of an article; in peer review articles may appear before
  9. 13. collections of special library items (within academic and public libraries), such as manuscripts, typescripts, rare books, and artifacts
  10. 14. free from influence by emotions or opinions
  11. 15. a publication that comes out on a regular basis
  12. 16. someone with expertise in organizing, storing, and using the materials stored in a library
  13. 17. use of exact words form a source
  14. 20. a word that is more general than another word
  15. 21. a tool designed to help someone find information; usually at the end of a book
  16. 27. A list of the subject headings used in a catalog, index, or database, e.g. the controlled vocabulary
  17. 29. basic identifying information for a book, article, or other kind of source
  18. 32. a tendency to favor something or someone over something or someone else.
  19. 33. a symbol used to indicate an unknown letter or number in a search
  20. 36. a set of notes on keyword searches conducted, databases consulted, citations of sources, and other information related to the process of conducting research for a project (2 words)
  21. 37. anything that provides information.