Liberal Economics

  1. 4. Policy that controls the central bank rate
  2. 6. The “trickle-down” president
  3. 7. Inflationary ________; when the constant need for more wages and higher prices sends inflation out of control
  4. 8. The kind of liberals that suggest Adam Smith was right all along 
(or Keanu Reeves in the Matrix...)
  5. 11. What the Roosevelt’s deal was
  6. 13. The depression ultimately resulted in America moving in this direction on the economic spectrum
  7. 14. What really ended the Great Depression
  8. 16. _______ state: term for the government providing people with unemployment insurance, health care, old age pensions, etc.
  9. 17. Reagan said economic prosperity is achieved by lowering taxes forthese people
  10. 18. Depression era agency that built many of the roads and trails in America’s national parks
  11. 20. Term for one company having total control over consumers" access to a product
  1. 1. An economist that proposed an alternative Keynes’ ideas
  2. 2. Something you might join as a worker to be able to force your employer to treat you better
  3. 3. Super-fast, super-huge inflation
  4. 4. When you buy stocks on this, you’re borrowing money invest in the market
  5. 5. You can get a huge one if you are constantly engaging in deficit 
  6. 9. Economist that influenced America’s approach to dealing etc. with the Great Depression
  7. 10. Term that refers to a precipitous drop in the stock market
  8. 12. Term for a period a negative economic growth
  9. 15. Policy that controls government spending and taxation
  10. 19. Depression era US president