LIBF Topic 6 Global Events and Ethics

  1. 3. A way to measure the performance of an economy
  2. 7. Large companies that dominate markets
  3. 10. An organisation with 160 member countries, promoting cooperation and trade between them
  4. 13. The practice of moving some of a company's operational functions to overseas locations
  5. 15. Large corporations buying up smaller businesses
  6. 17. The rise in prices of goods and services over a time period
  7. 20. Paying another company to provide certain functions previously performed inhouse
  8. 21. High levels of economic growth in countries other than the traditional developed industrialised countries
  9. 23. An infectious disease spreading globally
  1. 1. The level of people in an economy that are not working
  2. 2. The word invented to describe the UK leaving the European Union
  3. 4. An organisation with 10 member countries located in Asia
  4. 5. Accountants with a duty to check the accuracy of published accounts
  5. 6. The amount of currency one can buy with another currency
  6. 8. Countries buying and selling goods with other countries
  7. 9. The cost of borrowing money
  8. 11. A period of time when there is no growth in the economy
  9. 12. An international body that aims to promote international co-operation on economic matters
  10. 14. A measure of how satisfied UK households are with their lives
  11. 16. The amount of interest set by the Bank of England
  12. 18. A resource or raw material bought or sold on formalised markets e.g. oil
  13. 19. Putting money into a financial instrument hoping it will grow in value
  14. 22. The term for the international integration of business, industry and society