  1. 3. A book that is factual
  2. 4. Type or kind
  3. 5. First-hand information from the original source
  4. 8. One reason why author's write, for fun
  5. 9. What to use to keep your page instead of dogearing it
  6. 10. The actions in the story
  7. 13. A genre of fiction that cannot happen in real life
  8. 14. Who is acting out the story
  1. 1. A webpage resource that cannot be trusted because it can be edited by anyone.
  2. 2. The part of the book where the pages are attached
  3. 6. To check a book back out to you again
  4. 7. A book about a person that is written by someone else
  5. 9. Writing or language that shows the author's opinion on a subject
  6. 11. When a book is past due
  7. 12. Number The sticker on the book that shows where it belongs on the shelf