Library of Alexandria

  1. 4. When the ______ army took the city, a general reportedly asked the caliph what was to be done with all the surviving scrolls.
  2. 7. There were also Jewish, _________ and Buddhist texts.
  3. 9. There was also a ______ ______ whose students practiced the dissection of human cadavers — a unique skill that was rarely practiced in Europe before the 15th-century Renaissance
  4. 10. Theophilus, the ______ of Alexandria, acted upon this decree by destroying the Serapeum and ordering a church to be built on the ruins, according to World History Encyclopedia.
  5. 11. Julius Caesar was accused by historians such as Plutarch and Seneca of starting a _____ in Alexandria that burned the library to the ground, and for a long time modern historians accepted this version of events
  6. 13. It was erected near the royal palace in Alexandria sometime between 246 B.C. and 222 B.C. and was dedicated to the Greco-Egyptian god _______.
  7. 15. These written works, called ______, were made out of papyrus, a reed that grew along the Nile River.
  8. 17. These topics included, for example, natural history, history, poetry, law, ________, medicine and mathematics
  9. 18. "But it is unclear whether the _______ was founded by Alexander, Ptolemy I or [his son] Ptolemy II, but it seems likely that it came to fruition under the latter, who ruled from 284 to 246 B.C."
  10. 19. _______ was not a limitation; the Ptolemaic rulers were willing to pay vast sums for quality manuscripts.
  11. 20. One of them, Ptolemy I Soter, became the ruler of ______ and established his capital at Alexandria.
  1. 1. There were also medical texts by _________; poetry by Sappho, Pindar and Hesiod; and scientific tracts by Thales, Democritus and Anaximander.
  2. 2. Ptolemy VIII also ordered the ________ of all non-Alexandrian scholars from the city.
  3. 3. A depiction of the School of Athens, with ______ and Aristotle in the center, created by Raphael between 1508 and 1511
  4. 5. There were also texts containing religious, __________ and medical subjects.
  5. 6. Some of the most _______ minds of the period worked, studied and taught at the library.
  6. 8. Zenodotus also edited the work of Hesiod, Pindar and other ancient _______, as well as producing his own poetry
  7. 12. He also became the chief ___________ of the library under the reign of Ptolemy III Euergetes, according to Britannica.
  8. 14. According to the Coptic bishop John of _____, Diocletian, "set fire to the city and burned it completely."
  9. 15. The Alexandrian _____ copied these, keeping the originals and sending the copies back to the ships.
  10. 16. Wendrich characterized the destruction of the Library of Alexandria as a "____ ____" that "took place over centuries."
  11. 18. Demetrius' grand design was to erect a place of learning that would rival Aristotle's famous _______, a school and library near Athens.