Library Science Vocab. Part 1

  1. 2. The original writer of a literary work.
  2. 3. An explanation or evaluation of a literary work.
  3. 4. A written account of a person's life; a life history.
  4. 6. Non-book items, such as VHS tapes and DVDs, that do not circulate to students.
  5. 9. To inspect in a casual and leisurely way.
  6. 10. To take away the sensitivity of something.
  7. 11. All the books and other materials in the media center.
  8. 14. Agreement or logic among things or parts.
  9. 15. A number system using the base 10.
  10. 17. An algebraic or logical system based on symbolic sets such as "and" or "not."
  11. 18. A series of black-and-white lines which can be read by the computer.
  1. 1. A repository of evidence or information, such as outdated periodicals.
  2. 3. The distribution of copies of a material among readers.
  3. 5. A collection of information arranged into individual records to be searched by a computer.
  4. 7. A visual presenter, similar to the overhead projector, which enhances a picture or document so it can be seen by a large group of people.
  5. 8. A systematized list, usually in alphabetical order, with descriptions of the listed items
  6. 11. The legal right of an author to produce and sell an artistic work.
  7. 12. The extension designated for the color printer.
  8. 13. Information that identifies a specific article, book, or web page. MLA is a style for this.
  9. 16. Letters and numbers are placed on the spine of the book to locate it in the stacks.
  10. 18. The extension designated for the black and white printer.