Library Vocabulary
- 2. you need this to sort fiction books on the shelf (three words)
- 4. to clean thoroughly
- 6. A database where you can search for books the library has physically
- 7. / A unique number given to each item in the library
- 13. the place to return books that have been checked-out
- 14. The story of a person's life written by that person themselves
- 15. what students must do if they want to keep the book for more than two weeks
- 17. the type of book
- 20. books that are not true
- 22. The number on the spine of the book is called (two words)
- 23. A list of every item in the library showing where it is located
- 24. Books that are late
- 1. the process of checking out and checking in materials from patrons
- 3. the number students need to know to check out their books (at MRHS)
- 5. /A person who writes original material
- 6. the date the book needs to be returned by (two words)
- 8. The date a book was published
- 9. the number of weeks you are able to check out a book
- 10. a part of the book that faces out on the shelf
- 11. A database where you can search and check out ebooks
- 12. The name people are given if they use the library
- 13. The person who originated the classification system many libraries use today
- 16. Writing that gives factual or true information
- 18. how to enter a book into the computer
- 19. a company that prints books
- 21. Duplicate made by using the printer