LiEd CeNtEr CrOsSwOrD!!!
- 3. Shalene's other dearest interest
- 4. Something we do not do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 7. One of Shalene's dearest interests
- 9. If she can't fix it, no one can!
- 11. Zach's food of choice
- 13. Shalene's other other dearest interest
- 14. Everyone secretly uses this
- 16. The hat-wearing honorary mascots of the ticket office
- 1. Anna's other favorite way to decorate the office
- 2. Shalene's other other other dearest interest
- 5. What does the P stand for?
- 6. What Amy calls a carbonated beverage
- 8. Amy's favorite patron
- 10. One of Anna's favorite ways to decorate the office
- 12. One of the words Zach uses interchangeably to describe a carbonated beverage
- 15. The other word Zach uses interchangeably to describe a carbonated beverage