
  1. 3. Overwatch Gunslinger (6)
  2. 5. Double-bladed lightsaber (4)
  3. 8. Big Birthday Paw Patrol balloon (5)
  4. 9. Jerry, George, Kramer and... (6)
  5. 10. Blue Umizoomi (3)
  6. 12. The hair that noobs have in roblox (5)
  7. 14. Little video game statues in Hitman (4,6)
  1. 1. GALACTIC ... (6)
  2. 2. Assasins enemies (8)
  3. 4. Keanu ... (6)
  4. 6. Out the Windu (4)
  5. 7. Overwatch Fidget Spinner (5)
  6. 10. Gold and Black BB Gun (5)
  7. 11. Crisp brand and also the name of zombies in the WALKING dead (7)
  8. 13. Genji's brother (5)