Life in Canada 150 Years Ago

  1. 3. What other popular entertainment featuring performers came by?
  2. 6. Today, Canada is a ______________ country.
  3. 7. What industry did most people in Eastern Canada work in?
  4. 9. What jobs were kids in big cities likely to work in?
  5. 11. How did kids get to school in the past?
  6. 12. Most families did not send ________ to school because they thought it wasn't important for them to learn.
  7. 15. In the early 1840s, Ontario and Nova Scotia made a law to create ___________________ schools.
  8. 16. What school supply was often shared between students?
  9. 17. Many families ate this meal they found in the water.
  10. 19. What did kids also have to carry to school to help keep warm?
  11. 20. This was how many families found meat to eat.
  1. 1. school What was high school called by 150 years ago?
  2. 2. Instead of pens, students back then used this to write.
  3. 4. Students often missed school because they had to go help out the family ____________.
  4. 5. The jobs most people in the Western Provinces
  5. 8. What outdoor sport was popular in the summer?
  6. 10. The tallest plant in the 3 sisters garden.
  7. 13. What is the name they used to call blackboards in the past?
  8. 14. Indigenous children were forcefully taken away and were made to attend _________________ schools by the government.
  9. 18. What outdoor sport was popular in the winter? time?