Life in the 30s

  1. 4. This was one type of entertainment families enjoyed
  2. 7. President Roosevelt had ___ chats on the radio
  3. 8. one kid comic book popular during this time
  4. 9. President Roosevelt started these programs to help the suffering of millions
  5. 11. A game families played to help distract them
  6. 13. Whole _____ moved around during this time
  7. 14. By 1932, nearly 85,000 businesses had failed and 5,000 of these closed
  8. 16. Radio earned revenue for what sport?
  9. 18. Two of the biggest forms of entertainment were miniature golf and ___
  10. 20. Society was ______.
  11. 21. Farmer suffered ___ disasters
  1. 1. One place people lived
  2. 2. These people were called to the roads or railroad looking for work.
  3. 3. All people of all levels had trouble buying _____.
  4. 5. Newspaper subscriptions went down. Public __ use went up.
  5. 6. ___ and children traveled in small groups for safety
  6. 10. "Brother, can you spare a ___?" was a popular song on the radio
  7. 12. She was a famour movie star during this time
  8. 15. One popular movie during this time.
  9. 17. African Americans were often last hired and ____ fired.
  10. 19. Among those who did have jobs, they only worked ____ time.