"Life: Use Only As Directed" |Psalm 1 Bible Study (Part II) ✞-word Puzzle | 10.25.23

  1. 4. A tree that is prospering bears ___. And ___ benefits others.
  2. 8. A tree planted by the water can bear fruit no matter the ____. Those who continually meditate on the law of the Lord can bear godly fruit (e.g., Gal 5:22-23) no matter the social, economic, cultural, or political ____.
  3. 9. There are essentially two ways to live life: according to one’s own selections, or according to our God’s directions. Ultimately, these two roads have two different ____ (Ps 1:6; 34:15-16, 145:20; Mt 7:13-14; Jn 3:16).
  4. 11. In Scripture, to ____ someone often entails intimate knowledge and care (see Gen 4:1, KJV; cf. Ps 1:6; Mt 7:23; 1 Jn 2:4).
  5. 12. The one who delights and meditates on the instruction of the LORD day and night is like a fruitful tree _____ by streams of water (Ps 1:3).
  1. 1. The cursed (Jer 17:5-8) way of the wicked (who go their own way instead of God’s way) leads to_____ (Ps 1:6; Ps 37:18-20).
  2. 2. Godly ____ entails achieving God’s purpose (cf. Is 55:11).
  3. 3. The LORD watches over the way of the righteous, and is attentive to their ____ (Pr 15:8, 29, 28:9).
  4. 5. Though, at times, the wicked prosper (Ps 73:3, 12) and the righteous suffer (Ps 73:13-14), in the end Psalm 1 holds true (cf. Ps 73:16-17, 27; Ps 37:1-2). We just need to be ____ (cf. Ps 37:7, 10-13)!
  5. 6. Threshing or ____ is when the seed or edible part of a crop is removed from the straw or husk (see Mt 3:12).
  6. 7. While the righteous have true bliss (Ps 1:1), the wicked will face ____ (Ps 1:5).
  7. 10. In contrast to the righteous who live according to the Lord’s directions, the wicked are like ___, which will be gone with the wind (Ps 1:4; Is 29:5).