Light & Heat Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. The top or high point of a wave.
  2. 5. Light waves bouncing off of a surface.
  3. 8. Radiation that is used to track the weather.
  4. 10. Light travels in ____________.
  5. 12. This type of radiation has the lowest energy and frequency.
  6. 13. Gamma rays have the highest ___________ on the spectrum.
  7. 14. Sunscreen works by reflecting this harmful radiation.
  8. 16. Stars give off this type of radiation but it is blocked by Earth's atmosphere.
  9. 17. Light waves bending through matter.
  10. 20. Heat is transferred by a "current" through a liquid or gas.
  11. 21. Heat is transferred when two objects are touching.
  12. 22. Heat is transferred by waves.
  1. 1. A pumpkin appears orange because it ___________ orange light.
  2. 3. EM waves are a type of ___________, or "moving" energy.
  3. 4. We can feel this type of radiation as heat but can't see it.
  4. 6. The distance from one crest to the next.
  5. 7. A pepper appears red because it ___________ every color of light except red.
  6. 9. Unlike sound waves, light waves can travel through ___________.
  7. 11. The only type of radiation we can see.
  8. 15. This type of radiation has a shorter wavelength than UV rays but a longer wavelength than gamma rays.
  9. 18. Path of light stops at a surface.
  10. 19. Electromagnetic radiation arrives on Earth from the __________.
  11. 23. The bottom or low point of a wave