Limiting Factors

  1. 6. Producing new individuals to maintain a population is _____.
  2. 8. Abiotic and biotic limiting factors _____ the size of populations.
  3. 12. Climate change can ___ where species live and how they interact.
  4. 13. Each ecosystem has its own carrying capacity that depends on the ability of the producers to ____ the ecosystem food web.
  5. 14. The total number of individuals that an ecosystem can sustain indefinitely is the carrying ____.
  6. 15. Earth's climate changes over _____.
  7. 16. Energy enters the ecosystem as sunlight, or _____energy.
  8. 17. _____ changes put pressure on populations.
  9. 20. In ____ ecosystems, there must be survivors of every species in sufficient numbers to reproduce.
  10. 24. The rate at which a species can increase its population is its reproductive ____.
  11. 25. Growth and survival rate are ____ when animals arrive at a location before or after their normal seasonal food sources
  12. 27. Winter is the main limiting factor for many temperate and ____ populations.
  13. 28. _____ destruction is a serious limiting factor for many organisms.
  1. 1. In the temperate and polar latitudes, ____ is a major factor in population limitation.
  2. 2. Populations are limited by food _______.
  3. 3. _____ can occur at any stage in the life cycle of an organism.
  4. 4. Many organisms use ______, reduced activity, and winter sleep to wait out the winter.
  5. 5. Climate change is predicted to cause _____ in species extinction over the next 100 years.
  6. 7. _____ production is the amount of food that can be consumed and redistributed throughtout the ecosystem over the course of a year.
  7. 9. During winter, days are shorter, so production by _____ organisms slows or stops entirely.
  8. 10. Every living thing has ____ requirements for life.
  9. 11. Without an environment that provides for the physical conditions needed to reproduce, ____will not be born.
  10. 18. A ______ organism can enter a population and kill large numbers of individuals.
  11. 19. Birds, because of their ____, are famous for migrating to warmer regions.
  12. 21. Food provides the ____that is essential for survival.
  13. 22. Lack of ____ is one of the most important limitations on populations.
  14. 23. Many organisms require ______ conditions in order to reproduce.
  15. 26. Photosynthetic organisms capture the energy and transform it into ____, like sugar, that we call food.