Linear Algebra Symbol

  1. 2. matrix An n × n matrix A is said to be invertible if there is an n × n. matrix C satisfying. CA = AC = In where In is the n × n identity matrix.
  2. 5. products is a vector space, containing a bilinear map { (v,w) -> v⊗ w} from the Cartesian product V × W to V⊗ W
  3. 7. The number of vectors in a basis for V
  4. 8. is a measure of how closely two vectors align, in terms of the directions they point
  5. 9. is the scale factor for the area or volume represented by the column vectors in a square matrix .
  1. 1. is one of the most commonly used methods in matrix transformation.
  2. 3. matrix is a matrix that is equal to its conjugate transpose
  3. 4. is a binary operation on two vectors in three-dimensional space.
  4. 6. product is a generalization of the dot product
  5. 9. vertical bars enclosing an object is the norm of the object.