Lipid Metabolism 1

  1. 4. One of the final products of degradation of odd-numbered fatty acids is _____ CoA
  2. 5. Transports fatty acids to mitochondrial matrix
  3. 8. Over consumption of _____ may lead to lactic acidosis
  4. 9. serious condition resulting from unmanaged diabetes
  5. 10. Number of steps in repetitive cycles of fatty acid degradation
  1. 1. Unsaturated fatty acids derived from arachidonic acid
  2. 2. Enzyme that splits one acetyl CoA from beta-ketoacyl CoA
  3. 3. Type of reaction involved in conversion of acyl CoA to trans-enoyl CoA
  4. 6. A ketone body
  5. 7. Major co-factor in fatty acid synthesis