Liquid Chromatography

  1. 2. size exclusion chromatography is widely used to ___ molecular mass species.
  2. 4. most sensitive detection method for LC.
  3. 7. the plate is dried and rotated for ___ degrees in 2D TLC.
  4. 12. the difference between the peak retention times divided by the average peak width.
  5. 13. good separation method for rapid isolation and purification of biomolecules.
  6. 14. process in which fluorophores are introduced in sample molecule, increasing the analysis complexity.
  7. 16. elution mode where sample remains unchanged through he run.
  8. 19. decreasing the polarity of the mobile phase shortens the elution time for a ___ phase.
  9. 20. column with a similar phase as the main separation column.
  10. 21. refractive index method is a ___ detector for LC.
  1. 1. two reciprocated pumps with different phases are used to minimize the ___.
  2. 3. process in which removes air bubbles and breaks particles.
  3. 5. bonded phase with intermediate polarity.
  4. 6. valve knob turns 60 degrees ___ from load position to inject position.
  5. 8. ___ pump facilitates the movement of the mobile phase.
  6. 9. it uses adsorption for separation.
  7. 10. the smaller the packing particles, the ___ the retention time. Thus, the greater the plate number.
  8. 11. for a 6-port LC injector, a ___ coil sample loop is used.
  9. 15. most common bonded phase to particles.
  10. 17. in TLC, ___ value is always less than 1.
  11. 18. most polar solvent used as mobile phase in LC.