Crosswords ~ Lisa's Baby Shower

  1. 3. Will be an Aunt for the first time
  2. 4. Was Lisa's first babysitter
  3. 6. Has the 3rd set of boy/girl twins in Lisa's family
  4. 9. On Mother's Day, she learned she will be a Grandma
  5. 10. Will end the year with 10 Great-grandchildren
  6. 12. Is the youngest of all her cousins
  7. 13. Played lots of candyland games with Lisa
  1. 1. Lisa, along with her cousins, spent many summer days at this Aunt's house
  2. 2. Her daughter is making her a Grandma
  3. 4. Is Lisa's cousin with the most recent set of twins
  4. 5. Is the youngest Great-aunt
  5. 7. Has the most baby items in her house without having a baby living there
  6. 8. Lisa perfected her swimming skills at this Aunt's house
  7. 11. Is 33 weeks pregnant today