Literary Devices

  1. 2. Exaggeration, used to create emphasis
  2. 5. the emotion that the listener feels when they read or view a text.
  3. 8. My brother was boiling mad is an example of a...
  4. 9. the repetition of similar sounds, usually consonants, at the beginning of words.
  5. 10. I slept like a baby is an example of...
  6. 11. a character stepping out into a hurricane and saying, “What nice weather we're having!” is an example of...
  1. 1. Describes something which isn’t human as having human qualities
  2. 3. In star wars Luke SkyWalker wears white while Darth Vardar wears black because these colours symbolize good and evil
  3. 4. Specific words or phrases are used more than once for emphasis
  4. 6. that you only HINT at what is to come next, not say it outright.
  5. 7. The monstrous German Shepherd lurched to its feet. Someone was at the door. As she reached for the handle, the dog burst through the slitted opening and lunged at the man. What is this an example of?