Literary Terminology

  1. 3. the time and location of a story
  2. 5. a figure of speech that uses exaggeration to emphasize a real situation
  3. 9. describes the structure of a story
  4. 10. a recurring theme, image, or idea in a story
  5. 13. a direct comparison between two things using like or as
  6. 14. a hint given to the reader of what is to come
  7. 17. the adversary who opposes the protagonist
  8. 19. the struggle between two opposing forces
  9. 20. an insight, based on stated details, about information that is not stated
  10. 22. a combination of words that contradict each other
  11. 23. a phrase that has a different meaning from what its words literally suggest
  12. 24. something concrete that represents something abstract
  1. 1. refers to the particular arrangement of the words in a sentence.
  2. 2. comparison between two dissimilar things
  3. 4. something nonhuman is given human attributes
  4. 6. the main idea or underlying meaning of literary work
  5. 7. an interruption of the narrative to show an episode that happened before that particular point in a story
  6. 8. action the series of events, conflicts, and crises that lead up to the climax
  7. 11. a brief reference to a historical or literary figure, event, or object
  8. 12. the main character
  9. 15. the tying up of loose ends and all of the threads in the story
  10. 16. a story or tale with two or more levels of meaning
  11. 18. refers to an author’s unique way of writing
  12. 21. a character’s sudden flash of insight into a conflict or situation