Little House in the Big Woods

  1. 3. What did Laura get for Christmas?
  2. 6. Used to carry maple syrup
  3. 9. What did pa rarely leave home without?
  4. 10. Instrument pa played at night
  5. 14. What day did they take a bath?
  6. 15. Their transportation in the winter
  7. 17. A late snowfall when men can make more maple sugar
  8. 19. Main character
  9. 20. What was the animal ma slapped accidentally?
  1. 1. Who was Laura's older sister?
  2. 2. First town the sisters visited
  3. 4. What kind of house did they live in?
  4. 5. What was the family's most difficult season?
  5. 7. What ripped Laura's pocket?
  6. 8. How did the family get food?
  7. 11. What State did they live in?
  8. 12. What wild animal scared Grandpa?
  9. 13. How did they make butter?
  10. 16. The voice pa herd in the woods
  11. 18. What event was ma excited to attend?