Liturgical calendar

  1. 3. Give a certain portion of something to someone, or to others
  2. 7. The Symbol of Christmas
  3. 8. Color that represents Advent and Lent
  4. 9. Season of “Growth and Maturation” and follows after the Time of Epiphany and Pentecost, represented by the Color “green”
  5. 12. The Symbol of Easter
  6. 15. Color that represents Easter and Christmas
  7. 16. Color that represents Ordinary Time
  1. 1. “Talking to God”
  2. 2. The Symbol of Advent
  3. 4. Season of Prayer, and fast, for 40 days, we celebrate this to prepare for Christ’s Resurrection at Easter
  4. 5. The Symbol of Ordinary Time
  5. 6. Confessing of Sins
  6. 10. The Symbol of Lent
  7. 11. Season in the Liturgical Calendar that celebrates the Resurrection of Christ
  8. 13. Season that celebrates the birth of Jesus
  9. 14. Season in which we prepare for the Season of Christmas, represented by the “Advent Wreath”