Liturgical calendar
- 3. Give a certain portion of something to someone, or to others
- 7. The Symbol of Christmas
- 8. Color that represents Advent and Lent
- 9. Season of “Growth and Maturation” and follows after the Time of Epiphany and Pentecost, represented by the Color “green”
- 12. The Symbol of Easter
- 15. Color that represents Easter and Christmas
- 16. Color that represents Ordinary Time
- 1. “Talking to God”
- 2. The Symbol of Advent
- 4. Season of Prayer, and fast, for 40 days, we celebrate this to prepare for Christ’s Resurrection at Easter
- 5. The Symbol of Ordinary Time
- 6. Confessing of Sins
- 10. The Symbol of Lent
- 11. Season in the Liturgical Calendar that celebrates the Resurrection of Christ
- 13. Season that celebrates the birth of Jesus
- 14. Season in which we prepare for the Season of Christmas, represented by the “Advent Wreath”