Liv Bridal Shower

  1. 1. One of the bride and groom's favorite drinking games
  2. 4. The least popular month to get married in
  3. 6. Bride's favourite brand of white wine
  4. 8. The grounds on which the groom proposed to the bride
  5. 9. in 2019, the bride and groom explored this continent over the duration of 3 months
  6. 13. In the middle ages, bouquets were typically made of what?
  7. 15. The bride's middle names
  8. 16. The bride's parents have 3 daughters, Olivia is the ______-born child.
  9. 17. The name of Liv's first cat
  10. 19. Name of the queen who popularized the white wedding dress
  11. 20. The average duration of a honeymoon in days
  1. 2. What is missing from the following: Old, New, _____, blue
  2. 3. Name of the high school where the bride and groom attended (as an acronym)
  3. 5. The name of Bay & Liv's 2nd cat
  4. 6. Store name popularized by the TLC show "Say Yes to the Dress"
  5. 7. The colour of a traditional Chinese wedding dress
  6. 10. The most common wedding flower in the US
  7. 11. Mother of the Bride's name
  8. 12. Mother of the Groom's name
  9. 14. the couple officially met at their older sibling's ______ back in 2014
  10. 15. Something the bride loves to do
  11. 18. The chosen Honeymoon Destination
  12. 21. How many years the couple has been together