Liviana's Logical Puzzle

  1. 3. This type of energy is harvested using windmills.
  2. 5. This word is about energy that will never run out.
  3. 6. Energy that fuels living things.
  4. 7. This is something used to transport humans. In the book series “Warrior cats” it is often called a monster.
  5. 8. What happens when you give children too much energy in the form of sugar.
  6. 10. fuels This is a nonrenewable energy source and is used in gas, oil, and it causes pollution.
  1. 1. This word is about energy that will run out, so we should use it sparingly.
  2. 2. energy This type of energy can be radioactive.
  3. 4. Can be an adjective to describe nuclear energy.
  4. 9. This type of energy comes from the sun.