Living Organisms

  1. 3. a quality or characteristic of a living thing
  2. 6. organisms, made of only one cell carry out all out all basic life processes
  3. 9. organisms, a living thing made of one ore more cells that have different jobs
  4. 10. system, controls all body systems by transmitting electrical messages from the brain to other parts of the body
  5. 12. system, mad the muscles attached to the bones that create movement
  6. 13. system, breaks down food so it can be used by the body
  7. 14. system, takes in oxygen from the air we breathe
  1. 1. trait, a characteristic that a living thing develops after it is born
  2. 2. system, carries oxygen food and wastes throughout the body
  3. 4. body system, group of body parts that work together to carry out all the body's functions
  4. 5. trait, a characteristic a living thing gets from the parents
  5. 7. cells that carry out all processes necessary for life
  6. 8. how a living thing responds to its surroundings
  7. 11. system, the basic framework of the body made of bones