Living SYS/Bio

  1. 3. Deoxyribonucleic Acid
  2. 4. atoms that are bonded but identical
  3. 6. a very large molecules
  4. 8. one of the most important element in our body
  5. 12. C6H12O6
  6. 13. A force that holds 2 atoms together
  7. 14. this is a type of cellular respiration which releases energy
  8. 15. traits that are passed parents offspring
  9. 18. Ribonucleic Acid
  10. 20. positive charge of an atom
  11. 23. process by green plants by converting light energy to glucose
  12. 24. a series of reactions where chemical energy in food is broken down to make atp
  1. 1. A molecule containing a very large number of atoms
  2. 2. this forms when an atom transfers an electron
  3. 5. disorders can be predicted using genetic makeup of ones parent
  4. 7. this is where cellular respiration occurs
  5. 9. small molecules that bond together
  6. 10. this forms when an atom share electrons
  7. 11. negative charge of an atom
  8. 14. smallest unit of an element
  9. 16. neutral charge of an atom
  10. 17. pure energy
  11. 19. this is a type of cellular respiration which releases oxygen
  12. 21. this rule is when atoms maintains 8 valence electrons
  13. 22. atoms that are bonded but non identical