Living World

  1. 3. Dry conditions. (associated with deserts)
  2. 4. Cutting trees at shoulder height to encourage new growth.
  3. 7. clearance of all trees from an area.
  4. 10. Organisms obtaining energy through eating other organisms.
  5. 12. Management which conserves the environment for future generations.
  6. 14. Organisms like bacteria which break down plant and animal material.
  7. 15. Farming with intention to make profit through sale.
  8. 16. The layering of forests. (more noticeable in deciduous and tropical forests)
  9. 20. Natural vegetation found in the tropics.
  10. 21. regions with rainfall less than 250mm per year.
  11. 23. Deposition of solid salts on the ground surface.
  1. 1. Forests are an example as they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.
  2. 2. A global-scale ecosystem.
  3. 5. The cutting down and removal of forest.
  4. 6. Moving to an area for retirement.
  5. 8. Living and non-living components of an environment.
  6. 9. The dissolving and removal of nutrients from soil.
  7. 11. The way plants or animals evolve to cope with certain environmental conditions.
  8. 13. Farming to produce for the farmer and famer's family only.
  9. 17. Selective felling of trees and land clearance for farming space.
  10. 18. Nature tourism with minimal impact on the environment.
  11. 19. Organisms obtaining energy through a primary source.
  12. 22. Organisms that consume dead animals or plants.