ln yoga

  1. 6. An essential involuntary/voluntary action in the body. [9]
  2. 7. The third energy junction from bottom to top along the spinal cord. [10]
  3. 9. Author of the Yoga Sutras. [9]
  4. 10. The fifth element; Also the name of our faculty member of Yoga & Breathing. [5]
  5. 11. Muscle in the body that helps you breathe. [9]
  6. 12. An internal action for transforming energies. [5]
  7. 13. An ancient school of thought originating in Mount Kailash, Tibet, that focuses on building up the human system up to its fullest potential. [4]
  1. 1. A deep state of meditativeness, that Gautama Buddha initiated his close disciples into. [6]
  2. 2. Junction of energy nodes in the body. [6]
  3. 3. Method of using breath for yoga. [9]
  4. 4. A new space for the arts to come together that focuses on discipline, skills and understanding the aspects of being a vocalist across genres.; 389 Masjid Moth. [8]
  5. 5. To focus one’s mind into contemplation, mindfulness, mindlessness or just relaxation for a period of time. [8]
  6. 8. Corpse pose. [8]
  7. 10. Eight path system of yoga, popularised in the modern times by K Pattabhi Jois. [8]