  1. 4. is used to represent the exclusive OR operation.
  2. 5. reverses the truth value of an operand.
  3. 6. symbolizes as → which means implication
  4. 9. when both operands have the same truth value.
  5. 11. used when both parts of the statement must be true.
  6. 12. sometimes used to represent the logical disjunction "or."
  7. 13. is sometimes used as a shorthand for the logical conjunction "and."
  8. 14. it is a symbol for !
  1. 1. represents the same logical operation as the conjunction symbol ∧.
  2. 2. represents the same logical operation as the disjunction symbol ∨.
  3. 3. indicates a reason or premise for a subsequent statement.
  4. 7. often used as a shorthand for the logical negation "not."
  5. 8. the negation of a proposition.
  6. 10. addition operator "+" is used in logic
  7. 15. indicates a conclusion drawn from previous statements or premises.