Looker Sales Operations 2021

  1. 2. Has a rooster name Evan
  2. 4. Studied to become a pastry chef
  3. 5. Won a National Competition for Spice Girls Cover
  4. 7. Had a 6 week Golf scholarship at age 16
  5. 10. Is a Formula 1 enthusiast
  6. 11. Doesn't like watermelon
  7. 12. Has traveled to 14 countries
  8. 14. Likes Kpop
  1. 1. Loves to sport climb outdoors
  2. 3. Was born in Cleveland, Ohio
  3. 6. Started at Looker 9 days before the acquisition
  4. 8. Is the only team member in Japan
  5. 9. Used to be a flight attendant
  6. 10. Biked 84 miles from SF to the Looker SC office
  7. 13. Bartended for 23 years