Lord Liverpool - The Debates

  1. 2. Key example of legislation in the supposedly ‘repressive’ years + year; designed to stimulate public works projects.
  2. 3. Key legislation which ensured that salaries replaced ‘fees’ and sinecures for government employees.
  3. 4. It used to be argued that there was a great _______ between Liverpool’s government in the 1810s and 20s, but now historians emphasise _______.
  4. 5. Key legislation + year allowing a systematic negotiation for the removal of trade barriers between Britain’s trading partners.
  5. 7. What % of government income in 1815 came from the Income Tax?
  6. 10. Most members of the cabinet firmly opposed this extension of civil liberties; Canning and Castlereagh were notable exceptions. This shows real limits to the idea of a ‘liberal’ Tory ideology.
  7. 12. Which historian argued that, ‘Too many recent historians have supposed that, because there was no great discontinuity between the two phases of Liverpool’s government, there could have been no ideological division between ministers,’ implying that there were different approaches to policy within the cabinet (and therefore, a weak party system).
  8. 16. Which banker/financier and MP, friend of Wilberforce, argued that governments should routinely take an interest in society and the economy?
  9. 17. Political economy had long roots, and borrowed from the ideas of _______ ______ and ______ _____ to make a broader argument about the state and the economy. 6, 7, 4, 5.
  10. 21. The abolition of the income tax meant by necessity that the government had to raise more revenue via ______ _____. 8, 5
  11. 22. Historian most closely associated with the idea of the birth of a ‘new type of Tory party’ in the 1820s.
  12. 23. Which agreement of 1786 between Britain and France fore-shadowed the Reciprocity of Duties Act?
  13. 24. Changes in the ________ around 1821 give the *appearance* of a rupture in government.
  14. 25. If there really was evidence of a ‘programme’ of social and economic policy in the 1820s, it would be strong evidence that ______ existed.
  15. 26. Repressive Lord Chancellor throughout Liverpool’s ministry – showing continuity – and most famous for refusal to countenance Catholic Emancipation.
  16. 28. Killed himself in 1821, helping give the appearance of a ‘transformation’ in the profile of the government around this time.
  17. 29. What idea argued that politics was *always* concerned with society and the economy, like it or not, and that therefore a new concept of government was needed?
  1. 1. The number of MPs holding ‘places’/sinecures was reduced by Liverpool’s government from this number in words in 1812, to this number in words in 1820, to this number in words in 1830.
  2. 6. Key example of legislation in the supposedly ‘repressive’ years + year; designed to open SOME public offices to Non-Conformists.
  3. 8. Two key ‘progressive’ members of the cabinet in the 1820s – who had already been members in the 1810s; they were just promoted. 7, 9.
  4. 9. However liberal in theory, all of Liverpool’s ministers opposed the idea of any reforms to _____________ - a key demand of the 1810s.
  5. 10. Repealed + year allowing unions to form; led to wave of strikes, and emergence of unions in later 1820s.
  6. 11. Abolished in 1816 against the government’s wishes, showing how ‘loose’ party discipline was in this period.
  7. 13. Liverpool’s government insisted that they were not Tories, but…
  8. 14. Key law + year which segregated male and female prisoners, paid warders, and allowed inspections.
  9. 15. The original evidence collected + year which investigated inflation and proposed re-linking of the value of the £ to gold held in the Bank of England, which resulted in the Resumption of Cash Payments in 1819.
  10. 18. Which policy argued for free trade, and the removal of barriers to growth (like the Corn Laws)? It was going to become a ‘point of principle’ of British politics later in the C19th. 7, 5.
  11. 19. Term increasingly applied by the press to Liverpool’s government in the 1820s.
  12. 20. Abolished for 180 crimes by Peel.
  13. 27. Reformed by Huskisson + year to introduce a ‘sliding scale’, showing a government ready to analyse the economy and tackle the landed interes *to a degree*!