Lord of the Flies

  1. 1. v. decrease or fade gradually before coming to an end
  2. 2. n. the lower square slab at the base of a column
  3. 5. n. the fact or process of ending or being brought to an end
  4. 6. n. the state of being strong and active; energy
  5. 8. n. anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen
  6. 9. adj. having an irritatingly strong and unpleasant taste or smell
  7. 12. adj. feeling or showing elation or jubilation
  8. 14. n. the point on which a lever rests or is supported and on which it pivots
  9. 15. adv. win or regain the favor of (a god, spirit, or person) by doing something that pleases the
  10. 16. v. establish or settle (someone) in a comfortable, safe, or secret place
  11. 18. n. a pause or gap in a sequence series, or process
  12. 20. adv. eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant
  1. 1. n. light emitted by a substance without combustion or perceptible heat
  2. 3. n. a decorative design or pattern
  3. 4. n. a landing stage or small pier at which boats can dock or be moored
  4. 7. v. take in (information, ideas, or culture) and understand fully
  5. 10. n. rapid growth or development
  6. 11. adj. attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive
  7. 13. n. a thicket in which game can hide
  8. 15. adv. feeble or insipid
  9. 17. n. an object or flat figure in an elongated rectangle or oval shape
  10. 19. n. a steep high cliff or rock outcrop, especially of limestone