Lord of the Flies

  1. 2. What accent did the boys speak?
  2. 4. Who was the savage leader?
  3. 6. What took out the forest on the island?
  4. 8. What caused their plane to crash?
  5. 11. What really was the beast on the mountain?
  6. 13. Who tricked Ralph into hiding near the savages?
  7. 17. Where were they stranded?
  8. 18. What animal was slaughtered?
  9. 20. Which character was made fun of the most?
  10. 22. What was used to make their first fire?
  11. 23. What was the area that the plane crashed down in called?
  1. 1. What object was used to have the right to speak?
  2. 2. What object killed Piggy?
  3. 3. What were the tiny kids called?
  4. 5. What was the group of hunters called?
  5. 7. What the littluns were afraid of.
  6. 9. What is the first name of the author?
  7. 10. What were the boys surrounded by?
  8. 11. What crashed that left a mark on the island?
  9. 12. Who was the good leader in the two groups?
  10. 14. What place did the boys originally have the fire?
  11. 15. Who killed Piggy?
  12. 16. A metaphor for civilization.
  13. 19. What were the spears made out of?
  14. 21. What was the dead parachutist mistaken for?