Lord of the Flies 445

  1. 4. Unruly; turbulent and uncontrollable.
  2. 6. A well fortified position
  3. 7. Something unusually large for its kind. A monstrous sea creature mentioned in the Bible.
  4. 9. The outline of a figure, body, or mass
  5. 11. The highest point
  6. 13. Impossible to penetrate; incomprehensible.
  7. 16. Laughable or hilarious because of obvious absurdity.
  8. 18. Involved in argument, contention or hostile actions
  9. 21. Characterized by or exhibiting proper behavior.
  10. 22. Deep-seated, often mutual hatred
  1. 1. The point or support on which a lever pivots
  2. 2. Lacking self-confidence; shy and timid.
  3. 3. Ritual recitation of charms or spells to produce a magic effect
  4. 5. Having an abnormally pale complexion
  5. 8. Something illusory, optical illusion
  6. 10. To abuse verbally; taunt
  7. 12. mocking, ridiculing
  8. 14. A gap or an interruption in space, time or continuity; a break
  9. 15. Loose rock debris covering a slope.
  10. 17. Unintelligible or foolish talk
  11. 19. A shallow body of water, especially one separated from the sea by sandbars or coral reefs
  12. 20. A substance composed chiefly of the dung of sea birds or bats.