Lord of the Flies-- Chapters 1-3

  1. 2. The meeting is Piggy's effort to build a type of "--------" on the island.
  2. 9. Author
  3. 10. Jack and Ralph argue whether ------- is as important as building shelters.
  4. 12. Character who was the head boy of his chorus back in civilization
  5. 13. Needed for the fire
  6. 17. Ralph's early attempt at reorganizing society
  7. 20. Ralph and the older boys dismiss the "snake-thing" as just a/n -------, but the little boys are scared.
  1. 1. Jack is angry that he is still too "-------" to kill the pig.
  2. 3. The boys use the conch like this to summon everyone for a meeting.
  3. 4. Ralph's helper with the shelters
  4. 5. Character who believes passionately in civilization, law, and reasoning through problems
  5. 6. Character most concerned about planning for rescue; is able to prioritize the needs of the group above his own selfish desires
  6. 7. Ralph and Piggy both become civilizing forces: they ------ the boys to figure out what to do.
  7. 8. Location for the signal fire
  8. 11. What most boys are doing (instead of helping)
  9. 14. Jack's new weapon
  10. 15. The conch grants the right to ------ at meetings.
  11. 16. Where Simon goes alone
  12. 18. What the little kid call the "snake-thing" that claim to have seen
  13. 19. Symbol of destruction if it gets out of control