Lord of the Flies recap

  1. 3. when Simon is killed there are "no words, only the tearing of teeth and _________"
  2. 6. what do we call a place in a novel which represents the situation in the wider world
  3. 9. what semantic field is used to describe the island eg. "mirage", "glamour"
  4. 14. character who "might make a boxer" later in life
  5. 16. what kills the first boy to die on the island
  6. 17. character who wants to be responsible for keeping the fire lit
  7. 19. what do we call a leader who deliberately whips up strong emotions like anger or fear to manipulate people
  8. 20. what do we call a reference to another text in a novel/poem
  9. 24. what type of government does the conch represent
  10. 25. which adjective is used to describe blood when Jack cannot kill the piglet in Chapter 1
  11. 26. what animal is the beast compared to first
  1. 1. what supernatural creature do the boys think the beast might be
  2. 2. Roger's hand is held back by the "__________ of the old life" when throwing stones at one of the littluns
  3. 4. which German leader is Jack clearly modelled on
  4. 5. boy who speaks to the Lord of the Flies (the pig's head)
  5. 7. a repeated symbol in a text
  6. 8. author of Lord of the Flies
  7. 10. the "Lord of the Flies" is another name for?
  8. 11. which adjective is used to describe the conch multiple times to show how vulnerable society can be
  9. 12. what adjective do we use to describe Simon and the way he is similar to Jesus
  10. 13. which atavistic animal completes the following quotation: "authority sat on his shoulder and chattered in his ear like an _________"
  11. 15. character who dies at the same time as the conch is destroyed
  12. 18. what allows Jack to feel he has escaped from "shame and selfconsciousness"
  13. 21. which character kills Piggy
  14. 22. which verb is used to show how Piggy protects the conch as something precious
  15. 23. what do we call a leader who uses fear control people