Lord of the Flies vocabulary review

  1. 3. How the boys eat after they’ve been stranded without food.
  2. 4. The wise attitude Piggy takes when giving advice.
  3. 6. How Piggy often reacts when he’s not respected by the other boys.
  4. 9. The highest point on the island, where the boys look out.
  5. 10. A pause or break in something—like the boys’ temporary civilization.
  6. 12. What Simon shows toward nature.
  7. 15. Something glowing, like the sun or the fire the boys build.
  8. 16. What happens to the ocean waves after the storm.
  9. 17. The mental state of the boys as their descent into savagery progresses.
  10. 20. The harsh criticism Ralph often gives to the others.
  11. 22. The energy and life force the boys lose as they fall into chaos.
  1. 1. Jack’s overpowering urge to hunt.
  2. 2. The intensity of Jack’s passion for hunting.
  3. 5. What the boys think of Piggy due to his mannerisms, though he is actually very intelligent.
  4. 7. The bitter smell of the burning trees during the fire.
  5. 8. The boys’ growing feeling toward the “beast.”
  6. 11. How Jack responds to orders from Ralph.
  7. 13. The feeling of regret Simon feels after his encounter with the Lord of the Flies.
  8. 14. Cleansed, as the boys wished to be after their violent acts.
  9. 18. The deep shame Ralph feels when he's laughed at by the boys.
  10. 19. The string tied tightly to hold something in place.
  11. 21. What Ralph tries to do when he wants to fit in with the other boys.