Lord of the Flies review

  1. 3. over littluns sand castle; tortured Wilfred/Roger
  2. 4. symbol of authority and communication/conch
  3. 7. by the tiny tidal creatures/Henry
  4. 9. the plane crash lands, it represents man destroying paradise/scar
  5. 10. is unafraid to walk where at night/jungle
  6. 11. couldn't do work because of this/asthma
  7. 13. boys were evacuated from what country/England
  8. 14. taken from Piggy; symbol of intelligence/glasses
  9. 16. do much to help out/littluns
  10. 18. hangout and site of violence at end of novel/CastleRock
  11. 19. represents rescue, hope, and technology/fire
  12. 21. a ship on the horizon/Ralph
  1. 1. by the frenzied mob/Simon
  2. 2. felt he should have been leader because he lead this/choir
  3. 5. but an outcast/Piggy
  4. 6. cried when he saw him/thenavalofficer
  5. 8. symbol of paradise, it is a microcosm of society/island
  6. 10. man's inability to work together and clash of priorities/shelters
  7. 12. accomplice/Maurice
  8. 13. couldn't agree on what it looked like/thebeast
  9. 15. head who spoke to Simon/LordoftheFlies
  10. 17. first, one priority for the boys was this/rescue
  11. 20. forgotten name by end of book/Percival