Lord of the flies vocab

  1. 1. an object or flat figure in an elongated rectangle or oval shape
  2. 3. old and torn; in poor condition
  3. 4. radiant splendor and brilliance
  4. 9. making a loud and confused noise
  5. 10. very great extent or size
  6. 12. irritate or annoy
  7. 14. the action of crying and sniffing in a feeble or fretful way
  8. 15. showing feigned or exaggerated suffering to obtain sympathy or admiration
  9. 19. attended by bad omens
  10. 21. rough or loose in texture or grain
  1. 2. act or speak clumsily
  2. 5. howl or wail as an expression of strong emotion, typically grief
  3. 6. distribute or spread over a wide area
  4. 7. so shaded as to be dark and gloomy
  5. 8. a piece or strip of material in which something is wrapped
  6. 11. in a formal and dignified manner
  7. 13. reserved, modest, and shy
  8. 16. prohibited or restricted by social custom
  9. 17. cheat or swindle (someone) so as to deprive them of something
  10. 18. sufficient to cause death
  11. 20. wind a line onto a reel by turning the reel