Lord of the Flies, vocabulary review

  1. 5. What the boys jokingly call Piggy’s medical problem
  2. 6. drool,
  3. 7. Jack felt ___ when nobody wanted to join his gang the first time. Tomake sb feel low, embarrassed or inferior
  4. 10. An overthrow of government orig. French
  5. 14. Put this in a vampire’s heart to kill him.
  6. 15. Angrily he __ the paper into a ball & threw it in a trash can
  7. 16. the reputation of sb by false accusations; slander
  8. 19. Ralph’s strength as a leader
  9. 21. a blob of brightness, sth giving off light but not know the source
  10. 23. to be stuck somewhere & have no way to get home
  11. 24. Cloud of smoke
  12. 26. To make a sharp sound,
  13. 27. When your boss gives you more work, you just ___ & beat it. A forced smile
  14. 28. Nearsighted. Medical term
  15. 30. long & disorderly hair or fur
  16. 32. What lies beyond the reef
  17. 34. Jack’s fortress
  18. 35. the one prize in Jack’s raid,
  19. 37. Actually, Piggy’s glasses can’t make fire bc it isn’t a ___ lens
  20. 39. Jack’s type of leadership style
  21. 41. He just __ed down a 7-11 rice ball & went back to work. swallow food or water very quickly
  22. 43. Symbol of authority
  23. 45. When you’ve got explosive diarrhea,
  24. 46. the murder weapon of Piggy’s death
  1. 1. Roger has this. A continuously nasty, unfriendly aspect to sb’s personality.
  2. 2. utopia gone wrong. LOTF is this kind of novel
  3. 3. When dealing with the government, you have to go through a___ of rules & regulations. A game where you’re trapped among walls & try to find the exit,
  4. 4. Percival Wemys Madison was so ___ from the plane crash & being stuck on the island that he could only mutter his London address & tel. num. A psychological disorder
  5. 8. The hunters had in a ___ location behind the bushes. Hidden or not obvious
  6. 9. A rack to roast meat,
  7. 11. Threw these to bully the littluns
  8. 12. Sniffed & touched this to know a boar was nearby
  9. 13. Say nonsense like a baby
  10. 17. moving at an angle,
  11. 18. Jack’s followers
  12. 20. what a threatened dog does, what your hungry stomach does
  13. 22. The twins
  14. 25. I always have ___ memories of my dreams. I only remember bit & pieces. Not whole, not complete not together
  15. 27. Beast from Water,
  16. 28. [adj] twisting sb’s words for your personal benefit, such as Jack putting words in this littlun’s mouth
  17. 29. Boys’ typical response whenever Piggy complained about his asthma
  18. 31. Walk lightly,
  19. 33. to cover sth in a messy or careless way with greasy or sticky substance OR
  20. 36. The scientific one
  21. 38. Light material for parachutes
  22. 40. loud sound
  23. 42. An uncivilized one
  24. 44. what a wolf does under a full moon